The Decemberists baby-killin' "Rake's Song"

Jan 16, 2009

"Gee," you're thinking. "There are just not enough songs about disgruntled widowers cruelly doing away with their own children available for download on the Internet." But leave it to The Decemberists to make all your weirdo dreams come true. Or at least this one.

"The Rake's Song," the first track from the band's upcoming Hazards of Love LP, can now be got for free over at

Via - Rachael Maddux, Paste

And since we're on the subject of The Decemberist, I'll share what continues to be my favorite song they've ever performed - The Mariners Revenge Song. Seeing them do it live at a show is quite a treat. Yeah cardboard props!

Enjoy this version...

It gives my heart
Great joy
To see your eyes fill with fear

So lean in close
And I will whisper
The last words you'll hear...


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